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We recommend these 5 Earth day activities

Earth day is upon us! This year marks 50 years of action for our planet! But because of COVID-19, we are forced indoors, giving nature a much needed break from our excess use of fossil fuels and over consumption of non-organic materials. While at home, here are a few things you can do to celebrate earth day in a healthy, sustainable way.

  1. Plant an herb garden. Cut rosemary, mint or dill from a supermarket purchased herb, place in water for it to root and then plant it into soil. Here’s an explainer article.

  2. Read the Lorax by Dr. Seuss with your kids and loved ones. 

  3. Donate to your local organization to plant a tree. Here’s one for SoCAL residence.

  4. Gift a Mint + Laurel soap to a loved one. You’ll be supporting organic, sustainable farming in Afreen, a beautiful farming community in a conflict zone in Syria. 

  5. Shave one of our Mint and Laurel soaps, place it in a cotton pouch (reusable cotton t shirt) and put it into your closet. It’ll smell like a garden. 

Happy earth day.. 

P.S. Please make everyday an Earth day celebration. Shop responsibly!